Scrum Value of Commitment

Scrum Value of CommitmentScrum Value of Commitment

At the core of the Scrum framework, the value of commitment shines brightly. "Commitment" in Scrum carries immense significance, it embodies the dedication and accountability of each team member towards achieving the team's collective goals.

It's not just about ticking off tasks, but a profound dedication that cultivates a sense of ownership, effective collaboration, and fulfillment of promises.

The impact of commitment radiates throughout the Scrum team, fueling trust and collaboration. It forms the bedrock on which team members understand their responsibilities, establish feasible goals, and actively steer the team towards success.

As a framework, Scrum is built upon five core values: commitment, courage, focus, openness, and respect.

In the forthcoming sections, we'll delve deeper into scrum value of commitment, creating a transparent and accountable environment that thrives on constant learning and improvement.

Understanding Commitment in Scrum

Commitment in Scrum is about being dedicated to a cause, a goal, a vision.

It applies to the collective actions and effort required to achieve that vision.

In the context of Scrum, commitment means the Scrum Team is devoted to achieving a specific goal. The Scrum Team members commit to collaborate with each other and learn to do the best in every activity.

Commitment is one of the five core values of Scrum, along with focus, openness, respect, and courage.

Commitment and the Scrum Team

The Scrum Team, which includes the Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Developers, must all demonstrate commitment to achieve success in a Scrum project.

Each team member should:

  1. Align with the Product Goal: Focus on the long-term objective of the project and work together to deliver value.
  2. Follow Scrum principles and practices: Adhere to the Scrum framework and continuously improve their understanding and implementation of Scrum.
  3. Collaborate and communicate effectively: Engage with each other openly and honestly, and actively contribute to the success of the team.

Commitment and Scrum Artifacts

In the Scrum Guide 2020, commitments have been introduced for each Scrum artifact to enhance focus and transparency:

  1. Product Backlog commitment - Product Goal: The Product Goal is a long-term objective that guides the Scrum Team's efforts and provides a clear direction for the product.
  2. Sprint Backlog commitment - Sprint Goal: The Sprint Goal is a short-term objective for the current Sprint, agreed upon by the Scrum Team during Sprint Planning.
  3. Increment commitment - Definition of Done: The Definition of Done is a shared understanding of the quality and completeness of work required for a potentially releasable Increment.


In conclusion, the Scrum value of commitment serves as the backbone of the Scrum framework, underpinning every aspect of a successful project.

It encapsulates more than just dedication, it's about fostering a sense of ownership, enhancing collaboration, and ensuring promises are kept.

By fueling trust and collaboration, commitment ensures each member of the Scrum team understands their role, sets achievable goals, and actively contributes to the project's success.

As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of Scrum, the value of commitment stands as a lighthouse, guiding us towards project success through its illuminating principles.

If you want to foster Commitment in your Scrum team, you should check out this article. (opens in a new tab)

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