Scrum Event: Sprint Review

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Sprint Review - A powerful Scrum Event that adds most valueSprint Review - A powerful Scrum Event that adds most value

In the Agile project management methodologies, particularly Scrum, the "Sprint Review" is a crucial event that marks the end of every sprint or iteration.

This collaborative meeting is designed to inspect the outcome of the sprint and gather feedback from stakeholders.

The Sprint Review serves as a platform for the team to showcase the work items they completed during the sprint, providing key stakeholders with an update on the progress. It also offers an opportunity for stakeholders to provide feedback, which can be instrumental in making necessary adaptations to the backlog for future sprints.

The Sprint Review is distinct from the Sprint Retrospective, another significant event in the Scrum framework. While the Retrospective focuses on the team's process and seeks to identify areas for improvement, the Sprint Review is about evaluating the completed features and gathering feedback from stakeholders.

The Sprint Review is not just a timeboxed meeting; it is an essential part of the Agile development process. It fosters transparency, encourages feedback, and allows for adaptation, all of which are key to continuously improving the project's delivery.

In this article, we will discuss the purpose, characteristics, and steps involved in the Sprint Review.

What is the Sprint Review?

The Sprint Review is a pivotal event that takes place at the end of each Sprint, which is a time-boxed iteration in Scrum usually lasting one to four weeks.

During this event, the Scrum Team and relevant stakeholders come together to inspect what has been accomplished in the Sprint and analyze any changes in their environment.

The primary objective of the Sprint Review is to collaboratively determine the next steps based on the insights gathered.

Why Sprint Review Matters in Agile Development

The Sprint Review serves as a working session, not just a mere presentation.

Its dynamic and interactive nature fosters collaboration, transparency, and continuous feedback, essential elements in the Scrum framework.

This event allows the Scrum Team to showcase their work to stakeholders, discuss progress toward the Product Goal, and identify any potential adaptations needed to enhance product development.

Key Elements of the Sprint Review

  1. Attendees

    The Sprint Review typically involves the Scrum Team and important stakeholders, invited by the Product Owner. The presence of key stakeholders is vital as it enables them to provide direct feedback on the Increment and align their expectations with the product's progress.

  2. Inspecting "Done" and "Not Done" Items

    During the Sprint Review, members of the Scrum Team share the Product Backlog items that have been marked as Done and discuss those that remain "Not Done." This clarity helps stakeholders understand the achievements of the Sprint and any work items that may require further attention.

  3. Developer's Experience

    Developers take the opportunity to reflect on the Sprint and openly discuss both successes and challenges they encountered. By sharing their experiences, the team can learn from one another and identify effective problem-solving strategies.

  4. Increment Demonstration

    Developers demonstrate the Increment they've achieved during the Sprint. This hands-on demonstration allows stakeholders to gain a concrete understanding of the progress made and ask questions about the Increment's functionalities.

  5. Product Backlog Discussion

    The Product Owner discusses the current state of the Product Backlog and, if needed, projects the likely target and delivery dates based on the progress made. This assists stakeholders in setting realistic expectations and aligning their plans accordingly.

  6. Collaborative Planning

    An essential aspect of the Sprint Review is the collaborative planning session. The entire group collectively discusses what to prioritize in the upcoming Sprint, providing valuable input for subsequent Sprint Planning.

  7. Adaptation and Future Considerations

    The Sprint Review prompts an examination of how changes in the market or potential product usage may impact the prioritization of tasks. It also involves reviewing the timeline, budget, potential capabilities, and market demands for future product releases.

Timeboxing and Duration

The Sprint Review is timeboxed to a maximum of four hours for a one-month Sprint, and for shorter Sprints, it is typically shorter.

The time constraint ensures that the event remains focused and productive.

The Result of the Sprint Review

The outcome of the Sprint Review is a revised Product Backlog that outlines the probable Product Backlog items for the next Sprint.

This revision accommodates new opportunities that might have emerged during the event and aligns with the evolving product goals.

The Purpose and Value of Sprint Reviews

The sprint review serves multiple purposes, each contributing to the success of the Agile project:

  1. Collecting Feedback: The review provides an avenue for stakeholders to offer feedback on the completed work items, ensuring that the team meets their requirements and expectations.

  2. Evaluating Team Performance: By reviewing the accomplishments and challenges faced during the sprint, the team can evaluate their performance and identify areas for improvement.

  3. Transparent and Agile Process: The sprint review fosters transparency in the development process, keeping stakeholders informed and engaged throughout the project's lifecycle.

  4. Empowering Decision-making: With valuable feedback in hand, the team can make informed decisions about the product's future direction and prioritize tasks for upcoming sprints.

Best Practices for an Effective Sprint Review

  1. Define Your "Done": Clearly define the criteria for a work item to be considered "done." This ensures that the team presents fully tested and potentially shippable features, increasing the review's value.

  2. Keep It Casual: Embrace an informal and conversational tone during the sprint review. Instead of slide presentations, showcase working software to encourage friendly discussions and more open feedback.

  3. Involve Your Product Owner: The product owner should actively participate in all aspects of the development process, including presenting the software to stakeholders during the review. Their involvement ensures alignment with the project's goals.

  4. Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge and celebrate the team's accomplishments during the sprint review. Recognizing progress and successes boosts team morale and motivation.


The Sprint Review is a crucial event within the Scrum framework that promotes transparency, collaboration, and continuous improvement.

By involving the Scrum Team and stakeholders, discussing accomplishments, and determining future adaptations, the Sprint Review facilitates a smooth and effective product development process.

Embracing the principles of the Sprint Review empowers teams to stay agile, respond to changing requirements, and deliver valuable products to customers consistently.

As Scrum practitioners, prioritizing the Sprint Review as a working session rather than a one-way presentation can significantly enhance project outcomes and foster a culture of continuous learning and growth.

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