Empirical Process Control - The Key to Agile Success

Empirical Process Control - The Key to Agile SuccessEmpirical Process Control - The Key to Agile Success

Empirical process control is a fundamental principle in Scrum and Agile frameworks that emphasizes decision-making through observation, experimentation, and evidence-based approaches.

This method stands in contrast to defined process control, where decisions are based primarily on predictive and detailed upfront planning.

Simply put, empirical process control means that change is inevitable and that not everything can be planned before execution. Instead, we learn by doing and make adjustments as needed.


It is like driving a vehicle, where you must constantly monitor your surroundings for changes and adjust according to traffic conditions, speed limits, road objects, other cars, etc.

Rooted in transparency, inspection, and adaptation, Empirical Process Control acknowledges the unpredictable nature of complex environments and underscores the value of continuous learning, observation, and adjustment.

Let's delve into the mechanics of Empirical Process Control, how it underpins Scrum, and why it's essential for managing projects in today's fast-paced, unpredictable business landscape.

What is Empirical Process Control?

Empirical process control is an approach to managing complex and unpredictable processes, like software development, based on observation, experience, and experimentation.

It's at the core of Agile methodologies, providing a framework for making decisions and adapting to change in response to actual project data rather than relying on detailed upfront planning.

It finds acceptance as a fundamental principle of scrum, making scrum teams adaptive and flexible in face of change.

In simple terms, learning by doing, and adjusting as necessary, encapsulates empirical process control.

The Core of Scrum Empiricism: Transparency, Inspection, and Adaptation

What is Empirical Process Control? - Transparency, Inspection, AdaptationWhat is Empirical Process Control? - Transparency, Inspection, Adaptation

Transparency, inspection, and adaptation constitute the three empirical pillars in Scrum.

These behaviors enable your scrum team and stakeholders to gain insights completely based on their ability to observe, provide feedback, and swiftly pivot when necessary


Transparency in Scrum ensures that all aspects of the project are visible to those responsible for the outcomes.

This visibility promotes an open culture and enables all stakeholders to act on the same understanding.

Key tools and practices that support transparency include:


Inspection in Scrum involves regular evaluation of the project’s progress towards its goals.

This is done to detect undesirable variances early and to foster adjustments.

Inspection activities typically include:

  • Review Meetings: Where teams review what was achieved in the sprint against the goals.
  • Using Scrum Boards: To track progress and update task statuses.
  • Feedback Collection: From customers and stakeholders during and after each sprint.


Adaptation follows inspection and refers to the process of adjusting plans and activities to better meet project goals.

This could involve:

  • Process Adjustments: Based on retrospective meetings and feedback.
  • Change Requests: Implementing changes that are necessary to improve product quality or meet evolving user needs.
  • Risk Re-assessment: Continually identifying and mitigating new risks as they arise.

These principles are also known as the Three Pillars of Scrum.

Empirical Process Control and the Scrum Framework

In Scrum, empirical process control is applied through various practices, such as daily stand-up meetings, sprint reviews, and sprint retrospectives.

These practices allow the team to continuously assess their progress, gather feedback, and adapt their approach.

All of the scrum events serve as opportunities for empiricism, allowing learning through doing to facilitate better decisions.

Sprint review

The sprint review is a solid example of transparency and inspection. In the sprint review, the scrum team lends their sprint outcomes for inspection by stakeholders.

Sprint retrospective

In the sprint retrospective, the scrum team discusses their interaction, communication, processes, tools, and their definition of done.

Daily scrum

Daily scrums are 15-minute daily events that personify transparency as the developers discuss progress, work planned, and work stalled with the objective of synchronizing their collaboration. .

By embracing empirical process control, Scrum promotes a culture of learning, collaboration, and iterative improvement.

Applying empirical process control in software development

The empirical process control approach recognizes that software development is complex and unpredictable, and it embraces change as a natural part of the development process.

Instead of relying on detailed upfront planning and documentation, it encourages teams to learn and adapt based on real-time feedback and data.


This iterative and incremental approach allows for faster feedback cycles, continuous improvement, and increased responsiveness to changing requirements and customer needs.

By applying empirical process control in software development, teams can foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

They can quickly identify and address any issues or obstacles, make data-driven decisions, and deliver higher-quality software products.

This approach promotes collaboration, transparency, and flexibility, enabling teams to respond effectively to changes in customer demands, technology advancements, and market dynamics.

Importance of Empirical Process Control in Scrum

Empirical process control is essential in Scrum because it enables teams to:

  1. Adapt quickly to changing requirements and priorities.
  2. Continuously improve their processes and product quality.
  3. Make informed decisions based on actual data and insights.
  4. Learn from their experiences and iterate towards success.

In Scrum, empirical process control is implemented through regular inspections and adaptations during Scrum events, such as the Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective.

Empirical vs. Defined Process Control

Empirical process control differs from defined process control, which relies on detailed planning, strict processes, and predictable environments. In defined process control, the focus is on following a predetermined plan, and there is less emphasis on learning and adapting as the project progresses.

In contrast, empirical process control focuses on the following:

  • Continuous learning and improvement
  • Flexibility and adaptability
  • Collaboration and teamwork
  • Responding effectively to changes and uncertainties
FeaturesDefined Process ControlEmpirical Process Control
BasisBased on a well-defined, standardized, and repeatable processBased on experience and understanding, adapts to the changes
PredictabilityHigh predictability due to fixed processesLower predictability due to variable processes
FlexibilityLess flexible, changes are hard to incorporateHighly flexible, adapt to changes readily
Risk ManagementRisks are managed via a defined processRisks are managed through continuous inspection and adaptation
EfficiencyHigh efficiency in repeatable and predictable environmentsHigh efficiency in complex and unpredictable environments
FeedbackInfrequent feedback cyclesFrequent feedback cycles

Table 1: Key Differences between Defined Process Control and Empirical Process Control

Scrum leverages empirical process control to help teams navigate the complex and unpredictable world of software development, delivering high-quality products that meet their customers' needs.

Scrum Project Management and Empirical Control

Managing projects under the Scrum framework involves constant monitoring and adaptation.

Scrum project management is not just about following a set plan but about adapting to the environment, learning from experiences, and making decisions based on what is currently known rather than forecasts.


Empirical process control is a critical component of the Scrum framework, enabling teams to learn, adapt, and continuously improve in complex and uncertain environments.

By embracing the principles of transparency, inspection, and adaptation, Scrum teams can deliver greater value, foster continuous improvement, and better respond to the ever-changing demands of the market.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) / People Also Ask (PAA)

What is the main idea of empirical process control?

When is empirical process control most valuable?

When are empirical process control used?