Scrum Master - Stakeholder Management


Hello, and welcome to our video on Scrum Master - Stakeholder Management. In this video, we'll discuss the role of the Scrum Master in managing stakeholders within and outside the Scrum Team and explore strategies they can use to build and maintain strong relationships with stakeholders.

Scrum Master: Stakeholder Management Scrum Master: Stakeholder Management

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Scrum Master's Role in Stakeholder Management
  3. Strategies for Effective Stakeholder Management
  4. Conclusion

Scrum Master's Role in Stakeholder Management

As a servant leader, the Scrum Master is responsible for creating an environment in which the Scrum Team can effectively deliver value to the organization. Part of this responsibility includes managing relationships with various stakeholders, such as the Product Owner, customers, end-users, and other teams within the organization. The Scrum Master helps the Scrum Team effectively communicate, collaborate, and align with stakeholders to ensure a shared understanding of goals, priorities, and expectations.

Strategies for Effective Stakeholder Management

The Scrum Master can employ various strategies to effectively manage stakeholders within and outside the Scrum Team:

  1. Build and maintain open communication: Establish regular communication channels between the Scrum Team and stakeholders, fostering a culture of transparency, trust, and collaboration.
  2. Clarify roles and expectations: Help stakeholders understand their roles and responsibilities within the Scrum framework and ensure that expectations are clearly defined and aligned.
  3. Involve stakeholders in decision-making: Encourage stakeholder participation in relevant Scrum events and decision-making processes, promoting shared ownership and commitment.
  4. Manage stakeholder feedback: Facilitate the collection and analysis of stakeholder feedback and work with the Scrum Team to incorporate it into the product backlog and future iterations.
  5. Educate stakeholders on Scrum: Provide stakeholders with the necessary knowledge and understanding of Scrum principles, values, and practices to support their effective engagement with the Scrum Team.
  6. Monitor and address stakeholder concerns: Continuously monitor stakeholder satisfaction and address any concerns or issues that may arise, ensuring that the Scrum Team maintains strong, positive relationships with stakeholders.


In conclusion, the Scrum Master plays a crucial role in stakeholder management within and outside the Scrum Team. By fostering open communication, clarifying roles and expectations, involving stakeholders in decision-making, managing feedback, educating stakeholders on Scrum, and addressing concerns, the Scrum Master helps create an environment in which the Scrum Team can effectively deliver value to the organization while maintaining strong relationships with stakeholders.

Thank you for watching this video on Scrum Master as a Servant Leader: Stakeholder Management. We hope it has provided you with valuable insights into the importance of stakeholder management in the Scrum Master's role and how they can effectively build and maintain strong relationships with stakeholders.